Das Mediennetzwerk.NRW und der Indie Arena Booth ermöglichen erstmals fünf Games-Unternehmen aus NRW in besonderer Weise die Teilnahme an der gamescom (20. bis 24. August 2019).
42 Bits Entertainment, giantdoor, Lemonbomb Entertainment, the Good Evil und Triclap sind die Gewinner-Unternehmen eines Mentoring-Pakets, welches u.a. ein ganzheitliches Coaching, relevante Matchmaking-Gespräche sowie den exklusiven Platz auf dem Indie Arena Booth bei der weltweit größten Spielemesse enthält.
Das Webinar „Optimale Messepräsenz“ wurde von Julian Reinartz (Headup Games) geleitet.
42 bits Entertainment
“The program is a great support getting us new indie devs ready for Gamescom! We already have been able to focus our preparations on the most important aspects due to a short mentoring with Odile Limpach. It definitely pushes our self-confidence having some experts behind us, telling us if we head into the wrong direction!”
Giant Door
„It helped us to get a spot at a big event in a moment where, as a young startup, we wouldn’t be able to do it on our own. In the process, we learned what it means to prepare for such event, and we had the chance to think about marketing and presentation of our game and company.“
„The Mentoring Programm adapted to our current situation and needs and is helping to prepare optimally for gamescom. We expect to get a lot out of the show with the support of the Programm.“
the Good Evil
„Squirrel & Bear are honoured to chase the Badger at this years Indie Arena Booth @ gamescom thanks to the Mediennetzwerk.NRW! We are exited to get feedback from the audience. As Indies the support and especially the mentoring is immensely helpful! We got useful feedback on our pitch and presentation, that help us make a better game and ideally find a publisher soon.“
„It is a great opportunity to develop and publicly present the identity of our company and our mobile game „Yora Adventures“. Furthermore, the professional coaching and specialist supervision is highly effective and a real benefit!“